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Nojuzz  draugų!  ;;D
Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
Vārds, Uzvārds: Nojus :)
Niks: Nojuzz draugų! ;;D
Valsts: Lietuva
Pilsēta: Vilniaus
Darbība: I'm single. And it's gonna STAY that way. If I hear or see something along the lines of "(insert name of some dude that girls are obsessed with here) IS SO CUTE OMG! Don't like me? Who said you HAVE to talk to me? Keep your fucking compliments to yourself
Intereses: Video games are quite an enjoyable hobby of mine. I hate all the fags that only talk to you for your looks. And really don't give a fuck about your personality. It happens to me. Quite a lot. And it pisses me the fuck off. I'm not even that good looking. By the way, I hate all of your perverted comments. Seriously, they make me wanna force my hand down your throat, pull your heart out and show it to you. Under all of that makeup, you're probably an ugly piece of dog shit, so don't cry when people call you ugly. I don't really get along well with anybody. I don't really care what others say. Not at all really. I hate how some people just come to my profile and are like "omg i love your pro" or anything in the such and like.. It's not gonna get my attention. Give me a few paragraphs to read, and then, you should expect a reply. One sentence will just make me ignore you. Threats and "threats" will get my attention, as they make me laugh. XD
Par sevi: hello> Fair warning. I'm a huge asshole.
I might look like another teen, but I'm actually the opposite.
I don't give a flying fuck about what you rate me, unlike most people who have that low of a confidence, so they depend on that. Just to get noticed. It honestly bugs me. Go ahead, rate a 10. I don't care. If anything, it's gonna make me laugh. Cos' it really doesn't affect me in real life, in any way.

Refer to me as Izzy.

Don't ask for my number, msn, aim, etc. Why? Cos'. You're only gonna get it when I ask you.

I'm bi. Seriously.

Above all things; lies, conformity, shallowness, stupidity, and cowardice are what I despise most.
I have Asperger Syndrome. As well as A.D.H.D., and Autism.
I also have Dysmorphic syndrome.

Music is basically what keeps me alive.

Genre is no obstacle. If it sounds catchy, and I like it, and if it has a good meaning to it, then I like it.
I play guitar, bass, piano, mandolin, and sitar.

I'm not straightedge or anything like that, but I seriously hate drugs. You know how much that shit destroys ya!? You might as well just blow your freaking head off.
I make good decisions, even though I'm not that smart. I like school, I love to learn, I don't take chances on doing stupid shit, I don't do drugs and fuck up my head, and I think condoms are great inventions.
I fucking hate scene kids with a strong, bleeding, passion.
Remember kids, just because you have 10,000 friends on myspace, vampirefreaks, bebo, or whatever; it does NOT mean anyone in real life gives a fucking SHIT about you. You are a fucking joke and nothing more.
Stop dressing like a douche-bag for attention.
Stop listening to music that makes you appear more "brutal".
Learn how to be your own person instead of conforming to this stupid scene.
Dyeing your hair pink just like Audrey Kitching will NOT make you unique.
At heart, I'm the biggest nerd.
Jess♥?Draugiška; P  Vel  cia  :  }
Jess♥?Draugiška; P Vel cia : }
♥šeimą..[  uzimtas  ]
♥šeimą..[ uzimtas ]
mantas  ♥  ?  paliktas  :[
mantas ♥ ? paliktas :[
R<3?  nū  nyraikia  lia  lia  ;D
R<3? nū nyraikia lia lia ;D
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