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| Niks: | Belluh ;* 1,2,3 - BOOYA!:DD | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Hey , I am Annabella Avery Thorne , But u know me as Bella Thorne:)
I was born on 8th October 1997 in Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA .
In June 2011 Filming Mine first Videoclip ''Watch Me'' , i hope you watched it yet. Yeah?If no - u can find it in youtube. :}} Hope u like it !
My sisters are Remy Thorne , Kaili Thorne and Dani Thorne . ;}
I'm also spend time in New York . : ) I love to hike, swim, snorkel, dance, and paint . I love my wolf cub, Vodoo, and my cocker spaniel Pyro. I also several cats. I love the "Nomad" organization which helps provide education, food, and medical supplies to impoverished children in Africa.
So , about me i think I end:)
Find my bio in net , i hope we will be good friends: * Love you , you and you : ]] | | |
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