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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Billy Ray Cyrus | Niks: | Billy Ray Cyrus | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Hi all I am Billy Ray cyrus. I don't think I should say averything about me now , if you wan't to hear anythig then just write tome a message. You all might now me from americas most famous TV show Hannah montana ( I am Robby Ray stewart) . soo if you have any questions as my Daughter Miley or Noah , or ofcours me . the real Noah cyrus is Noahcyrus@friendszone.co.uk , the real miley cyrus is MilesD@friendszone.co.uk and I am the real billy ray Cyrus. If you say anything whats bad to my doughters or thyer fakes write in my forum , I woul promisse yo show awery body that you are fake , trust me I made the same with Miley bebo.com . as Miley She woul tell you! so stop the hoal faking thing! I am not here to chat I am here to help Miley couse she asked me | | |
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