Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Daniela Stankevičiute | Niks: | BerniukaIi kur JūSs?;* | Valsts: | Lietuva |
Pilsēta: | Vilniaus |
Skype: | rose1519 |
Darbība: | ...... |
Intereses: | .... |
Par sevi: | Klubas DanceNight, klubas NightKiss, kavinė CafeCafe, restoranas Daniela
Apie mane: Bonjour !
I am what i am,Judge your self,before you judge me !
If people don't like me for whatever I do, for being me then thats too bad. I don't want to change to be something that I am not for other people to like me ♥
Kaip dauguma turbūt jau pastebėjote,bet kokiam saite/tinkle yra daug anketų su mano nuotraukomis,neapsirikit,one.lt portale nebeturiu anketos,išsirenginau !! ,Tai yra šita anketa,nes pastebėjau jau daug fakių ir čia atsirado,taigi neapsirikite!! BLOGas.lt - ten pastebėjau daug sukurtu anketų mano,taigi jeigu pamatysite nemanykite,kad ten aš rašiau,jeigu turėsite daugiau klausimu kur esu užsirėginus,ar ten tikroji anketa,rašykite man,ačių už dėmesį ! ♥
Pravardė: Nastinkutė,Nastia,Nastiux.
Vardas ir pavardė : Nastinka Annie Sam
Lytis: Moteris.
Seserys:Nastiusha and Toniukė.
Gimtadienis Birželio 14d.
EveryDay is ma' BirtHDay U see me, HI HATER!It's alright ya'll haters It's nothing I MAJOR. make TOOT not whiff. make WEED not tequila. make MUSIC not money. make VIRGIN not sex. make L.O.V.E. not war. Make ME. not YOU. lol P.S.Lets plaY Russian Roulette with a gun ? ...Tiffany's ... Cartier... Chanel ... Talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it! There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer :::::::::: But diamonds are a girl's best friend.@@ You looking at me, boy? Show me repsect, or I will show you the door (finger)@ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Dumb Party Animal Blonde Ohmigod! You're sooooo all about the parties. Totally! You're all about fun parties, and getting wild, and fun parties! And anyone who isn't, is a LOSER, and probably a lame-o dork (and probably a brunette lame-o dork, too!) And by the way, you so don't think you're a "dumb" blonde, and anyone who says you are is totally just jealous of your fabulosity! So forget them, 'cause you're HOT. |||Never say i l | | |
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Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |