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| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Emma ;D~ Watson ;]*~ | Niks: | ONE real Emma Watson ;D*~ | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Hello everyone,I am Emma Watson,real...
My small biography:
you look in the my photoalbum.I have got mother they named is Jacqualine Watson,I have got father Chris Watson and I have got brother Alex Watson,love my family.My Birthday is 1990-04-15 April.I from Harry Potter films and booksMy zodiac is Ram.My light is Brown.My hair is colour is blonde but I paint brightly brown.My native town is Oxfordshire.I live in London now.My best film is where do Julia Roberts.My best performer is Bryen Adams,Suzanna Veya,Dido and Samantha Mumba.My best films from Harry Potter is Harry Potter and the Persaien of Azkaban too Rupert and Daniel.My full name is Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson.My best present is CD record player.My best colour is Blue.Best lips paint is Stila. My best thing is ipod.My telephone is Sonny Ericson,red and good telephone.My best animals is cat,I love cats.That if my.Please don't believe my fake's because I am real,but my fake's NO.Thnx my fans,who believe my,and thnh for support.
I real Emma Watson. I not FAKE. I love my friends, family and best fans.
I Emma Watson was born in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, to two lawyers, Jacqueline Duerre and Chris Watson, who divorced in 1995. Her brother Alex was born in 1993. As a young girl, Watson attended The Dragon School, a renowned preparatory school in Oxford. By 2003, she was attending the all-girls Headington School in the city of Oxford.<... | | |
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