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| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Emily Robins | Niks: | EmilY RobinS | Valsts: | Jaunzēlande |
Par sevi: | Emily Robins as Alex Wilson
Landing the role of Alex Wilson in The Elephant Princess was a dream come true for nineteen year old Emily Robins. She was able to combine her two passions, singing and acting, in one show!
Emily was only eight years old when she caught the acting bug. Her first ever role played was as a munchkin in "The Wizard of Oz" at her local theatre. She enjoyed it so much she kept going and her roles only got bigger. She played the leading role, Annie in "Annie" and Wendy in "Peter Pan". When Emily was lucky enough to be a part of Les Miserables she found a new fascination with Opera. Emily started Operatic tuition which led her to complete Singing and Theory exams and winning Singing competitions.
When Emily turned sixteen, she was over the moon when she won the role of Claire on the popular New Zealand Soap Shortland Street. Emily juggled both school work and adjusting to her first television role with success. During Emily's time on the show she was nominated for "New Zealand's favourite Television Personality" and she won "New Zealands Rising Star".
After three jam-packed years Emily returned to her first love, theatre.
She was lucky enough to be a part of an Australian production of "Fiddler on the Roof" and Auckland Theatre Company's "The Crucible".
When the audition for Alex came to New Zealand from Australia, Emily thought it would be too good to be true. After all the fun Emily had filming the series, she still can't believe her luck! | | |
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