Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Kiki Kannibal | Niks: | Kiki :p* | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Here's my Twitter. I was forced to make once hence all the ignorant crazy fakers of me Twittering their fantasy lives away:
I like you...
I mean #%^$^ uhhh uhhhmm uhm ummmmmm....
Hellllllllooo thereee ;P
First thing first, none of you will ever truly know me no matter how many videos you watch of me, blogs you read about me or people you know that talk about me. Don't dare act like you do. I fancy to keep it that way. Capiche? Capiche. I hear you like mystery.
Who would I like to meet?
Someone with a cute nose. A cinnamon boy w/ a firecracker personality & amber eyes. Someone with passion. Someone lively. Someone positive. Someone who doesn't smoke,drink, or have sex casually. Someone with morals. Someone not broken. Someone I don't need to try to fix. Someone normal and wholesome. Someone who will support me through my worst and enjoy me at my best. Someone SERIOUS. Someone corky/weird.. like me. :)
Don't worry.. I won't EVER find those qualities in a person on the internet, sorry toots!
By the way none of this means I am looking for a boyfriend. Better luck next girl, I meannnn time! hahahaha
I do not drink, smoke, or party. I work. I am a lone wolf and I get things done that way. In a few months I will surprise you all with what I am working on. I have been an organic vegetarian since the age of 8. I am a virgo. I am very dedicated and committed to what I want. I don't let others bring me down. I'm very down to earth. I am a huge dork. I LOVE to laugh. I strive for success. I have passion and it burns in my chest. I do my own makeup, hair, dress myself, and coordinate my photo shoots. I am a normal girl, so please stop getting hyped up about bits of pixely light on a screen in a 2D world. Treat me as you would like to be treated. I am young, so older guys.. don't bother. I've had enough of older immature men.
Wait for me till I'm 18 so that I can tell you to roll your tongue back into your mouth, pick up your jaw, and fuck off legally | | |
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Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |