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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Alex | Niks: | Model ;D | Valsts: | Kanāda |
Par sevi: | Hi, my name is Alexandre, and i’m known over the internet as Alex Evans (google it, you’ll see what i’m talking about).
this is my website, a place where i like to write down my thoughts, and post my most recent work.
my first language is french, and i basically taught myself english.
i often feel like i’m lost in translation.
i do not expect you to get me, or anything on this website, i know i can be complicated, i don’t get along with many people.
i enjoy simple things, simplicity is actually something i adore, and if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve most likely noticed before.
i’ve had a clothing line since i was fifteen.
when people ask me what my favorite color is i answer grey. because it is. i know it’s a shade, not a color, but it remains the “color” that i like the most.
i’m currently a college student, and this semester is my last one(finally!). i study arts and culture.
i consider myself to be a very honest person, although i do sometimes censore myself around strangers because i treasure my privacy.
i don’t feel like happy or successful people should be called lucky. there’s no luck in working very hard for everything you have in life.
i’ve got a lot of aspirations, and they’re what’s keeping me alive.
i don’t like the thought of growing older, i don’t want this body i’m living in to become old and useless, although i’ve always felt more mature for my age. i’m a 30 year old living in the body of a young adult. wait, is that the reason why i don’t get along with my people?
and i don’t buy this whole fame thing. i’d walk out of it any day. | | |
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