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James  Maslow  (✔)
Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
Vārds, Uzvārds: James Maslow
Niks: James Maslow (✔)
Valsts: ASV
Darbība: I Agree to Jordan Sparks, Martin Johnson, Bryan Donahue, Paul DiGiovanni, and Justin Bieber. My BTR song is Halfway There, and then they go Worldwide. Shooting film UrFrenz. I want to visit Spain. I think that a couple can remain friends after stand out. I think one of my worst habits is that it is constantly nibble his lip. Had the idea to name your puppy Fox, when I remembered the old video game "Star Fox." I thought it would be cool.
Par sevi: I was born in New York City, New York, and raised in La Jolla, Californ.My mother is Cathy Burge and dad Mike Maslow. I have an older brother Philip (now Doctor) and false sister Ali Thomas. My father is Jewish and his mother Catholic.
Six years ago I began training as a singer, my parents brought me to San Diego kids' choir. I attended La Jolla and Torrey Pines elementary school Muirlandso Middle School, and San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts. I had a small role in San Diego Opera's production of La boheme, when I was 10 years. Years creative and performing arts middle school in 10th grade, I switched to Coronado school of the arts (COSA). I graduated from the musical theater section of Cosa in 2007.
I have a scar on her right arm, which was
injured during the filming of the first episode.
My favorite sport is football.
I love Italian food.
My favorite movie is Zoolander.
My favorite actor is Johnny Depp.
One time I went to buy ice and lost my way, but at the time we needed to get ready for the concert.
My favorite animal is a horse.
I like to ride.
When I was younger, I had to choose either to get your horse or to go to performing arts school I had a very hard choice, but I chose a performing arts school.
My favorite number is 12.
I love the purple and pink colors.
Being six years old, was caught in the brutal serious car accident. I broke my leg, arm and neck vertebrae.
More like vanilla than chocolate.
I have been in shows such as Footloose and Les Miserables. I still want to become a Broadway star.
In his youth, spent his summers at camp, and the Rawhide Ranch, where I learned to ride a horse.
As a child I was quite thick and therefore very scary feeling.
I was allowed to be actor, exercise and a balanced diet. Now I feel good.
When I was younger, I wanted to be an architect.
I can not pronounce the names of Dushku.
I think the best and most deliciously know how to produce an omelet.
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