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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Niks: | J A Y D E X / Sick ;(( | Valsts: | ASV |
Darbība: | School, friends, familly... ;D |
Intereses: | Like be with friends! |
Par sevi: | Hello. I'm Jayden Hudgens-Fehoko.
I has dad, whom familly name was Hudgens.
But he died ;( And now I have new dad, him name-Fehoko.
But I want, that you call me Hayden Hudgens.
So, amm, My best cousin is Stella Hudgens, best friend-Anna Brooks, Best animal-Ireland Water Dog Sarra., Best sister-Falisha Hudgens-Fehoko.
They all have ere acc's. fal_hudgens@fz.co.uk (ADD!She's friendly!) stghudgens@fz.co.uk (ADD! She so cute!). Anna haven't.
I'm going in the St. Paul's High School, in 8 class (with Stella and Anna). Live in LA.
I like to be with Stelly, Elly, Marrie, Ashie, Naty, Anny. I hate Stellz and Vannz fakers. Not just thems really.
In my photoalbum is 8 photos. Few is from my friends. From Stella, from Zac, from over friends. So I can't say that I haven't friends ;D
But everythings is good, becouse I have Anna and Stella. ;D
Too, I'm good friends with Justin B. He's my maniac!! ;DD
OK, wait ur messsages, invitations.
Jayden! | | |
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