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Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
Niks: Justin
Valsts: ASV
Par sevi: JUSTIN HERE! REAL FRIENDSCLUB I Know everyone is saying I dont have a friendsclub but I do and this is it and this my only one! its for my FANS,FRIENDS,and FAMILY because you know I like to chat.. :) ♥

Name : Justin Drew Mallette Bieber
Age : 17
Birthday : 1 March, 1994
Size : 1,68m
Eye Color : Brown
Hobby's : Skating, Basketball, Football, Golf
Instruments : Piano, Guitar,batterie
Favourite Color : purple
Favourite Number : 6
Favourite Artists : Usher, Chris Brown, 2Pac, Elliot Yamin, Rascall Flatts, Billy Talent, Lifehouse, T-Bone
Favourite TV Show : American Idol, Greys Anatomy
How I Was Found : Somebody Saw me on you-tube, and i got a contract.
My Nr.1 Hit Single : One Time
My Family : Mother - Pattie / Farther - Jeremy / Half Sister : Jazmin
My Best Friends : Ryan & Christian
My Dog : Sam/Sammy
Favourite Food : Pasta ( i Like To Eat Sweets) my Favourite Chocolate Is Mars
It takes me 20-30 minutes to get ready
I blow dry my hair
Favorite Romantic Movie: A Walk To Remember
I have a fear of escalators (and spiders, )
I got stuck in an elevator when i was younger
and when i were 7 i was playing Hide and Seek with my cousin. my cousin shut me in a toy box and i got stuck in there, i have been clausterphobic since.

Want more? :)

I named my laptop 'Welma' my bike 'Holly' & my car 'Lisa'
I plan to invite 25 lucky fans to my 17th b,day party (:
When my mommy is angry at me i call her Sexyy (:
My fave food is McDonald's 1/4 pounder, no pickles
Fave color is purple
Mom- Pattie Mallette
Dad - Jeremy Bieber
Stepmom- Erin Bieber
Sister/Brother- Jazmyn Bieber, Jaxon Bieber
Hometown- Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Started posting videos at 12 years old
My Manager- Scott 'Scooter' Braun
Usually when I lick my lips it means I like a girl.
I want to take my girlfriend to the Eiffel Tower to tell her I love her.
I once posted my number on twitter for 3 seconds and the people who called me, I prank called back.
I wanna be the first one to buy my brother Jaxon Supras
Miley  Cyrus  fan
Miley Cyrus fan
kas  mane  myli
kas mane myli
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