Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Niks: | Jenny.(*) Superstart. | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | HELLO!!! The name is Jenna Love!!!
Im a big bitch thatz only if you mess with meh and any of meh friendz. Dont hate meh just because you are not me i love meeting new people everyday so come on talk to me............ love Justin Bieber he is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G ♥
Im not famous dont want to be very weird but still pretty aWeSoMe I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers Ummm i had one baby girl R.I.P ♥ love you with all my heart.Hmmmmmmmmm I love the color pink blue and Green umm hate skewl love hanging with meh friendz love being mehself dont like any one telling me what to do or ill get YOU hate posers and fakes ;) ill ask you stuff thats pretty weird well i am weird so its fine and i guess you just have to talk to me to love me because i know you will ;) so now you know a little about me if you wanna know more i guess you just have to talk to meh ♥ xoxox Jenna Love!! "forever" is over </3
Karissa Alana Mcgill my Amazing wifey ♥
Daria Kovac my amazing Lover ♥
You'll fall in love and I won't care. (:
You smoke, I puke. Biggest turn off, ever.
People tell me I’m awesome can’t say I’d disagree.
I grew up with tough love, I’ve got a heart of steel.
I'm genuinely a very sweet person, but people tend to fuck things up.
No, you can’t have my number. You’re not different, don’t try.
I have a weird sense of humor and sarcasm is my second language.
First impressions deceive, I’m far more intelligent than you might think.
Judge me and I’ll prove you wrong, again and again.
I’m everything, and nothing you would expect me to be.
I have greater plans for myself in the future, but for now Reckless, assertive and unpredictable. Full blown hypochondriac.
Talk all the shit you want see if i care.Let’s be friends. k bye. (: the only thing a girl should chase is a shot.
if you're fake, COOL. be prepared for me to call you out on it. i give you mad props for hiding behind SOMEONE else's face, NOT. be yourself, i promise i'll acce | | |
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Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |