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You  Are  My  Dream.  By  Jenna.  (:
Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
Niks: You Are My Dream. By Jenna. (:
Valsts: ASV
Par sevi: Hey, guys. This is my Official friendszone.co.uk page.
Birthname: Ashley Huggins
Favorite colour: PINK. xD
Favorite celebrity: Justin Bieber.
Birthday: October 30th
Age: 17 right now.
Favorite Movie: Titanic
People mistake me for TIFFANY RORRER
So Jenna Fakes, you will be reported for imposing as me AND Tiffany Rorrer
Tiffany Rorrer is an actual site model who looks like me a little
Jenna Mason fakes of me Steal her photos then they get caught and get in trouble
I am 100% real
Tell your friends to like this page, I am trying to get to 1,000 fans so far. :)
I am naturally Blonde I have dyed my hair, Black, and brunette.
Alexis Dial is amazing, I know her, she is a site model who has tons of fakes.
I am one of the most faked site models.
Fuck fakes! I cant even get a job with fakes of me posing and stealing my information! How would you feel if I posed as you?! You wouldnt like it.
If you find fakes of me please post them on my wall and I will report them to the police or Friendszone!
My cat's name is Oliver it is a boy, I love him to death
I love tanning and music is my life♥
So again I dont know any site models except olivia allen and alexis dial.
I wanted to be a dentist but I couldnt because of fakes posing as me and I just cant do it because of that reason only. Site modeling was fun but when i got my first poser i was like what da fuck?! imma not even famous! so why poser, i quit site modeling in 2008, so tell me how i got tons of posers in a shot amount of time?! whats so good about a site model? Dont be jealous of site model's anyone can be a site model, dont call yourself ugly, because really, im sure you arent.
People all me a slut and I dont like it, shut the fuck up, I dont give a flying floodoodle if I wear to much makeup, it's MY FACE not YOURS so back off. Im only a teenager and you calling me a slut. I get good grades in school! God bless u.
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