Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Katerina Smilga | Niks: | summersmile | Valsts: | Lielbritānija |
Intereses: | winter, rain and FASHION |
Par sevi: | 19 year old girl living in a beautifull fashionable town. I like impractical clothing, stupendously high heels, fried rice, vintage chanel and people who say please and thankyou.
Winter fashion is my favourite and I don't usually go outside unless it rains. Gothic influences, studs, bondage and fetish heels inspire my style. I like broken in worn clothing, leather and (vintage) furs. Black on black on black with textured black is my usual attire. I like wearing all my rings at once.
I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up" but it would definately involve fashion in some way
oh right, im from latvia, but now i dont live there
so u can talk with me latvian if u want | | |
Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |