Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Niks: | Katie=] | Valsts: | Austrālija |
Darbība: | Pc |
Intereses: | Friendszone.eu |
Par sevi: | Hey,im Katie but real name is Kathryn ;) but i don't like my real name so call me Katie:* im 18 ears old i have puppy and boyfriend (real)..i dont have pc boyfriend and family i very like pets,emo,pizza,chocolate,coca cola. I dont like fakes! Im blonde i got blue eyes .i like rock techno pop muzic..i have job its modeling ;p i <3 my job is cool ;D i dont like when people say me that im fake im angry at the moment...cuz im not fake!:@ i love scary movies :)~ but i still love romantik movies.. And comedy ;P i hate my face (joke)..;D xD i love my puppy & my fans..i like eat pizza,hesburgers..i drink coca cola ;)* and juicy :} so i lock like emo scene girl but im scene Queen ;D so bye for now
*Katie* ΔbabyfayceΔ. | | |
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