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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Крэг <3 | Niks: | Крэг | Valsts: | Lielbritānija |
Intereses: | sk8 and football |
Par sevi: | Yeah, so my name is Craig. Which sort of rhymes with bagel, I guess. I live in a small town in the South Wales valleys, where the men are men, the women are men and the sheep are frightened (yeah let's get the Welsh sheep jokes done now...they're really baaaaaaad). I am 6ft 2in tall, so I tower over most people :P You may have gathered pretty quickly that I am not your average 19 year old, at least not your average Welsh 19 year old (for your average Welsh 19 year old, contact your local Narcotics Recovery program). Yes, I do live in the Valleys, home of coal, sheep, grass, mountains, and a cloud of depression that is only lifted by the consumption of cheap booze. I love football, especially my beloved Swansea City. I often visit Cardiff to satisfy my need for civilisation, I like to go to Spiller's, apparently the world's oldest record store and the only place I actually look forward to visiting, being a HUGE music lover, when I do venture into the city centre. I have a tendency to take things literally which can lead to amusing situations. I'm pretty nerdy, I like books and computers, and anything in the Documentary section of my Sky box, thankfully I'm not into REALLY nerdy stuff, so relax, I'm not taking you to a Trekkie convention for our date. I am as pretentious as I appear. I sit in coffee shops and silently judge people. I love anything satirical, stand-up comedy, and Radio 4 comedies. I'm a bit of a dreamer. I start a lot of projects and regularly make life changing decisions without actually finishing them. While most people's lives could be made into a film, mine would work better as a 6 part BBC mini series. Searching for what I want out of life, without actually knowing what that is. I think I want to own a second hand bookshop, although this might be because Black Books is fantastic. Fed up of teenage notion of life and love. You're not even 20, you know fuck all. Yes, that applies to me too, but then I know it does. | | |
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