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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Niks: | Lena | Valsts: | Krievija |
Pilsēta: | Рыбинск |
Par sevi: | Here, randomly on my account. What do you like about me?
Tell you a little bit. : DD
I am well known as the Moon Lens, but anyway my real name is Lena Novikova. I am from Russia, disclose the city. Made nonsense here, this city ...
Anyway friends tell me that I am very funny. I am also so it seems. I can speak all languages, because I rely on an interpreter.
I am a real Moon. I am now 18 years old. Then 19 and so on ...
I love listening to their friends and parents. On certain instruments are likely to hit with me and listen to only because I am perhaps a funny girl ...
I really like taking photographs, but it my photos are available on the Internet, not be surprised, because sometimes my friends or I have attached itself there. : *
Often, I started listening to music. : DD
Well it it is not clear please ask.
Your stupid Lena. : DD | | |
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