Katie  ♥  Jakov
Katie ♥ Jakov
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Katie  ♥  Jakov
Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
Vārds, Uzvārds: Katie Skadoske
Niks: Katie ♥ Jakov
Valsts: ASV
Darbība: Music Here are some music that I like but not all of my music way to much to type so just a few. High Way To Hell by AC/DC, Back in Black by AC/DC, Dirty Deedsby AC/DC, TNT by AC/DC, Sorry Blame it on me by Akon, Gives you Hell by American Rejects, Rehab by Amy Whinehouse, If I had a million dollars by Bare naked ladies, All you need is Love by Beatles, Twist and Shout by Beatles, I am the walrus by Beatles, Lets get it started by Black Eyed Peas, Shut up by Black Eyed Peas, The Rock Show by Blink 182, All The Small Things by Blink 182, High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup, 1985 by Bowling for Soup, Five minutes to midnight by Boys like Girls, Heels Over Head by Boys like Girls, Womanizer by Britney Spears, Circus by Britney Spears, Crazy Bitch by Buck Cherry, Lady Marmalade by Christina Aguilara,Pink,Mya, Lil Kim, Music is my hot hot sex by CSS, Girls Just wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper, I touch myself by Divinyls, My name is by Eminem, The real Slim Shadey by Eminem, Just loose it by Eminem, Sleepless nights by Faber Drive,
Intereses: Thing... I Am NOT Fake. Gosh I Hate It When People Fake To Be Me It Just Annoys Me So Much. If you find a bebo where people are using my pictures for any reason, comment me immediatley. I will confront them and they will delete there account. OR You Can Just Report Abuse For Spamming. That Would Be Nice... I have the best friend ever Cassie. Cassie you rock my multicolored socks off (Lmao). Wether we're at the beach or we're just making a funny video for my youtube, we're always having fun! And that's what best friends do don't they? X I LOVE MY JAKOV MY JACKOV LOVES ME!!=D End of story. DON'T try and flirt with me. I will just block you. I am up for talking but not with somebody who wants to split me and my boyfriend up. Jakov is my life. He's funny, cute, and loving and i wanna be with him all the time. He's completely supportive about my modelling, and doesn't get jealous when another boy says i am pretty Thing... I Am NOT Fake. Gosh I Hate It When People Fake To Be Me It Just Annoys Me So Much. If you find a bebo whe
Par sevi: Hi I'm Katie and I'm not a fucking fake! If you see any other accounts with my pics please contact me right away and I will deal with it or you could put them as spamming. I am on youtube the only account I have is 666barbie I even have a video on youtube saying thats the only account I have and use. I would love to meet you. So I love Jacov so much and he loves me and thats that. He is the sweetest cutest funniest guy I've ever met. Words Can't describe how much I love him. I love my sweetie Jacov <3 I like sports making videos on youtube.com my account name is 666barbie so if you see and other accounts there not me! I like skateboarding sometimes. Hey I'm Katie skadoske First Thing... I Am NOT Fake. Gosh I Hate It When People Fake To Be Me It Just Annoys Me So Much.
I'm Katie. I have a very big heart, I give my full potential towards everything. I am very happy with where I am at in life right now. I'm really easy to get along with. I'm a very negative person, which is not very good. It's hard for me to think about the good things in life. But right now, I have everything I need. I know I'm one of the most exciting people you will ever come across. I smile too much and I'm actually extremely nice. I'm not shallow or judgemental, I accept everyone for who they are. I have more common sense then most people. And I have my fair share of intelligence. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I don't know what and who I want in my life. Don't underestimate me. Oh and in case your wondering I'll be legal on May 27th, 2009. I'm tiny and very clumsy. But I make it through out the day. I'm a nice girl. But do me wrong, I'll make sure you regret it. I dislike many girls but my girls are absolutely amazing. I'm always sleepy. I've made alot of mistakes in my life. I've learned from each and every single one of them. I will do anything to succeed in the future, nothing will get in the way of that, I have plans and I want to see the world. I'll be moving to Palm Springs in the summer. :)! hola my.
Myliu  tave  :*
Myliu tave :*
♥Justytė♥  Nerijų♥mylių  begalQ♥
♥Justytė♥ Nerijų♥mylių begalQ♥
Lėja♥?Need  šheimos  ;**
Lėja♥?Need šheimos ;**
Ele  ;D  Bendraukit  nūū  ;D
Ele ;D Bendraukit nūū ;D
I  hate  Katie  Skadoske  fake
I hate Katie Skadoske fake
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