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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Miley Ray Cyrus | Niks: | :) | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Hey guys It's Miley Cyrus.I was born on November 16, 1992 in
Franklin, Tennessee . I am going to tell you a biography about me.
My birthname is Destiny Hope Cyrus. My nicknames are
Smiley,Miles, and more. I am a daughter of singer/actor Billy Ray
Cyrus and Tish Cyrus. I have five siblings and they are my half-
brother Christopher Cody, Trace Cyrus, Brandi Cyrus, Braison
Cyrus, and Noah Cyrus.My fave sport is cheerleading. I used to be in
a cheerleading team called the Tennessee Premier with Tori. My
fave book is "Don't Die, My Love." I love to eat Chinese food. My fave
album is by Kelly Clarkson "Breakaway". My fave hobby is
cheerleading and shopping with all my girls! Some say I hate Ms.
Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez but I don't. Me,Demi,Selena shop
together mostly everytime! My best friend is one of the boys in the
Jonas Brothers and he is Mr. Nicholas Jerry Jonas + I have two
other great friends it's emily jordan osment and mandy jiroux! some
peuple say that I were his girlfriend , and all those picks are
photoshoped , OK we were great friends we hanged out and chated
but we never were a couple like venessa and zac! :] If you don't
believe me then don't add me or insult all my friends.Just
remember, you can ALWAYS reach your dreamz, but only if youre
willing to work hard. Just comment me sometime and dont be shy ;]
If you guys have any questions, let me know. XOXO Peace! Miley Ray
Cyrus | | |
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