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| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Alex McKee | Niks: | Retai ;/ | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | I am Alex McKee. I am a model and a photographer. I know there are alot of fake's of me but I don't care even if they make a proof like showing a hand with his fc on it. It's fake because it was made with paint. I love to take photos and pose for them myself. If you don't believe I am real then don't. I don't care because I have amazing friends that do believe me.
And yes, I talk in Lithuanian.
I was born in Florida but I am learning to talk in Lithuanian and I think I can do it very well. So yeah.
I have a DeviantArt. But I just submit there my work. I don't talk there and I gave it to my cousin. I am just submiting there my work. Also I have my official website and I have a stickcam and youtube :}.
I have lived in Florida for almost five years, two of them doing photography. A lot of my inspiration comes from fashion, film, pop culture and sometimes music. I like to have a concept and have a certain feeling with every shoot I do. I believe that the heart of great photography lies in collaboration and experimenting with different ideas. I would love to one day collaborate with James R. Minchin III. His photography inspired me to get a camera and sometimes I wonder what would my life be like if I hadn't seen his photography. Expressing emotions in pictures usually has a better outcome and I feel that if I'm upset or the complete opposite, the camera can capture the best moments. I did some modeling and now I sometimes just like to take self portraits.
Andd if you ever saw me on twitter its fake, because I don't have one and I hate twitter :} | | |
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