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| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Vanessa Hudgens | Niks: | Vanessa Hudgens PopLife :* | Valsts: | ASV |
Izklaide: | |
Sports un skaistums: | |
Par sevi: | I'm Vanessa Hudgens. I'm acctress.Schools (Other):
Orange Country of arts Highschool
American actress,singer and model
Actress, singer and model organization
Hobbies and Interests:
going to the movies with Ashley and interneting
Favorite Books:
High School Musical j.r. novels
Favorite Movies:
High School Musical 1&2
Favorite Music:
Our songs in High School Musical 1&2 and My new albums
Favorite TV Shows:
High School Musical 1&2
Zodiac Sign:
About me:
My full name: Vanessa Anne Guangce Hudgens.
Sometimes called: Nessa, Baby V, BBV, Vanz, VeeHudgens, V, Vee, Vanny.
My date of birth: 1988.12.14.
My zodiac: Sagittarius.
And my hobby: singing, dancing.
Friends and relatives:
Dad: Greg Hudgens.
Mom: Gina Hudgens.
Sisters: Stella Hudgens .
Best friend: Ashley Tisdale.
Boy: Zac Efron.
My favorites:
Songs by: Alicia Keys and Celine Dion.
Cast: Natalie Wood.
movie genres: horror.
Sports: Shopping.
childhood book: "Goodnight Moon."
My Style: Retro.
Favorite clothing store: Urban Outfitters. "
Favorite Designer: Christian Louboutin.
A favorite song: "Let's Dance."
music: Rock.
Film: "Night Before Christmas," "Moulin Rouge". (Horror movies).
TV Program: "Family Guy," "South Park," "Degrassi."
Animation: "SpongeBob SquarePants."
food: Peanut butter.
Jeans: "Frank B Jeans."
car: Porsche Carerra GT. "
Color: Red, black and orange.!1
Sound: Mothers of laughter.
smell: I like all the sweet smells.
animal: Geopardas.
School subject: Science.
Time of day: Night.
Seasons: Summer.
Food: Chocolate, sushi.
HSM Scene: Dance of the "We're All In This Together. | | |
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