Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Anastasija Samuel | Niks: | ♥★Nastia ♥★ | Valsts: | Lietuva |
Pilsēta: | Vilniaus |
Intereses: | Bonjour ! I am what i am,Judge your self,before you judge me ! If people don't like me for whatever I do, for being me then thats too bad. I don't want to change to be something that I am not for other people to like me ♥ ________________________________________
Kaip dauguma turbūt jau pastebėjote,bet kokiam saite/tinkle yra daug anketų su mano nuotraukomis,neapsirikit,one.lt portale nebeturiu anketos,išsirenginau !! Tai yra šita anketa,nes pastebėjau jau daug fakių ir čia atsirado,taigi neapsirikite!! BLOGas.lt - ten pastebėjau daug sukurtu anketų mano,taigi jeigu pamatysite nemanykite,kad ten aš rašiau,jeigu turėsite daugiau klausimu kur esu užsirėginus,ar ten tikroji anketa,rašykite man,ačių už dėmesį ! ♥ P.S Nebepriemu nieko i draugus,jeigu tik jus pažįstu. |
Par sevi: | EveryDay is ma' BirtHDay U see me, HI HATER!It's alright ya'll haters It's nothing I MAJOR. make TOOT not whiff. make WEED not tequila. make MUSIC not money. make VIRGIN not sex. make L.O.V.E. not war. Make ME. not YOU. lol P.S.Lets plaY Russian Roulette with a gun ? ...Tiffany's ... Cartier... Chanel ... Talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it! There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer :::::::::: But diamonds are a girl's best friend.@@ You looking at me, boy? Show me repsect, or I will show you the door (finger)@ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Dumb Party Animal Blonde Ohmigod! You're sooooo all about the parties. Totally! You're all about fun parties, and getting wild, and fun parties! And anyone who isn't, is a LOSER, and probably a lame-o dork (and probably a brunette lame-o dork, too!) And by the way, you so don't think you're a "dumb" blonde, and anyone who says you are is totally just jealous of your fabulosity! So forget them, 'cause you're HOT. |||Never say i love you, if you really don't care... Never talk about feelings, if they aren't there... Never hold my hand, if you are going to break my heart... Never say going to, if you don't plan to start... !!!!!! You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick I’m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick!!!!!!!!!!! | | |
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