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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Niks: | Neytiri ;)) i'm real | Valsts: | Jaunzēlande |
Par sevi: | I born as Neytiri Dis'kahan A'itey, which means daughter of Mo'at and Eytukan. As her names tells us, she is the daughter of the Omaticaya's Clan leaders, Eytukan and Mo'at. She grew up learning through songs, as all the Na'vis do, learning to love Eywa.
Many years later, I was supposed to mate with Tsu'Tey, one of the clan's finest warriors, but she was undecided. I learned english from Grace Augustine's class, but it was closed down, as humans wanted to evacuate them | | |
Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |