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dont  blocked  my  photo,  im  real
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Darbība: Scherzinger was born in Hawaii but grew up in Kentucky with her stepfather Gary Scherzinger, mother Rosemary and sister Ke'a. As a child interested in the arts of acting and attended the training. Nicole has revealed in an interview that her home was strict Catholic upbringing. As a teenager, Scherzinger won second place in the 1996 Kentucky State Fair Coca-Cola Talent Contest. [1] Scherzinger University has several key roles in musicals. [2] 1999 missed out on university, which began to sing in a rock band Days of the New
Intereses: Scherzinger was betrothed to the main group "311" singer Nick Hexum, but they divorced. In 2007, in Munich at the MTV Europe Music Awards, Nicole met with Formula 1 Lewis Hamilton lenktyninku, since they friendship. [12] She has several men's magazines for several years in a row within the top 100 things to [13]. 2008 in support of Barack Obama's nomination for U.S. president, she appeared with other celebrities will.i.am song "Yes We Can". 2008 Scherzinger sang a song for charity with other celebrities. The song is called "Just Stand Up" and for the fight against cancer.
Par sevi: The main article - Eden's Crush

1999 Scherzinger, performed backing vocals for Days of the New second studio album. In 2001, She sang two songs with Barry Drake F.O.B.

2001 Scherzinger attended the reality show Popstars, which are subject to the successful pop group Eden's Crush. The group is best known for her debut single "Get Over Yourself (Goodbye)," which is a good chart of Canada Canadian Singles Chart and reached the top 10 Hot 100 chart tuką. The first single, has created a video clip. The second group of the single "Love This Way" was less popular, but has received much attention of radio stations.

Their debut album Popstars was certified gold and reached # 6 on the Billboard 200 chart position, but fell short of other countries shows the winners of Popstars sales. The group began touring with * NSync and Jessica Simpson. [4] Group 2002 the group disbanded for a record company's merger with another company, the girls' solo projects, and discord within the group. Kara DioGuardi songwriter, which also created the group Eden's Crush, has helped to create songs with albums Scherzinger PCD and Her Name is Nicole. Nicole says the group had differences of opinion, and this experience it has been annealed [5].

After the disbanding of Eden's Crush, Scherzinger, has a few promotional tracks, self-proclaimed Nicole Kea. One of their cover of "Breakfast in Bed" was used in 2003 Always in the film than the first time. Songs as executive producer, Nick Hexum, who was the guy Nicole [6].

Scherzinger worked with a Japanese rock band X Japan lead singer Yoshiki. It perdainavo English one of their song "I'll Be Your Love" with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. This song appeared in 2003 Album Exposition of Global Harmony.
[Edit] The Pussycat Dolls

The main article - Pussycat Dolls

Scherzinger with The Pussycat Dolls

2003 May, Scherzinger joined The Pussycat Dolls. The first performance was with a group of famous chat show The Late Show with D
Miley  anti-fake
Miley anti-fake
Mano  lupos  tavo  lupas  liecia(:
Mano lupos tavo lupas liecia(:
real  emma  is  me!
real emma is me!
ღ♥Vanessa♥ღ            LOVE  YOU:)
ღ♥Vanessa♥ღ LOVE YOU:)
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