Taylor  Swift
Taylor Swift
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Taylor  Swift
Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
Vārds, Uzvārds: Taylor Swift
Niks: Taylor Swift
Valsts: ASV
Darbība: Playing Guitar,Singing & writing songs,Hanging witch friends & all relatives and course talking to all my fans :) Hope you're getting have fun.
Intereses: Ow,at all Just wanna say ... Everyones My interests :)
Par sevi: Hello Dear world and all around it :)
I'm the girl who is best friends with a guitar and writes songs about everything and everyone that happens to me. Names included. ;-)
Class of 2008.
In my spare time, I like to conduct random baking experiments in my kitchen and write letters to people.
I really love people who like my music. They're number 1 on my favorite things list.
I'm not a big deal. At all.
I love people who are nice to me, I've never been one to say things like "All you people think you know me, well you don't".
Because I'm not that complicated. My complications come out in my songs. All you need to do to be my friend is like me.
My middle name is Alison.

And I'm extremely tall. Like, I'm that really tall person that is blocking your view at a concert. On behalf of all of us, we're sorry.
My ideal outfit is a sun dress and cowboy boots.
I love surprises and hardwood floors.
I like people who are excitable. I think it's endearing when people cry when they're happy. I'm pretty excitable too.
I've never been the kind of girl who needs a boyfriend. Plus, guys don't ask me out because they know I'll write songs about them.
In life and love, you learn that there comes a time to let go and move on. It's a lesson I learned recently.
I wear too many bracelets and I can't concentrate on the conversation if the TV's on.
I grew up on a Christmas tree farm. Seriously.
I'm fascinated by black and white pictures, I have them hung up everywhere.
I like people who can be sarcastic and laugh about tense situations.
I never assume someone's not being honest with me.
I like to read up on weird medical problems, so if one of my friends ever complains of a headache or stomach ache, I'm probably going to spout off 12 different things that could be wrong with them. Because I'm way paranoid.
I think Keri Russell and Ellen DeGeneres are the coolest celebrities ever.
I don't like making decisions when I don't have to. So right now my toenails are painted 5 different co
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I'm that girl
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