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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Avril Ramon Lavigne | Niks: | Avril Lavigne | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Hey . I am Avril Lavigne . I was born on 27 September , 1984 in a 5,000 population town called Napanee:)
I remember when I was really young, standing on my bed like it was a stage, singing at the top of my lungs and visualizing thousands of people surrounding me : D I love to sing and write songs : ) *
Soo... * I am not star . Stars just in the sky , I am normal person,so please talk with meh like with normal person: ) * I don't like other super stars that says 'I am sexy,Barbie' . Phooo ! Please , I am not like them : ) sooo...Add me : ***
P.S. I am simple.My style are simple;) And don't add me if you don't believe me! | | |
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