Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | AySel Teymurzadeh | Niks: | ♥AySel♥ | Valsts: | ASV |
Intereses: | My favorite are swimming,singing,and.....and chating! |
Par sevi: | Hi,I'm real Aysel Teymurzadeh.Here in www.friendsclub.en
are a lots of my fakes! That manes me angry! I was borned in Azerbijan..In capital of this country.I startet to learn music when I was eight years old.Then I was in "AZERBIJAN STARS" and I win first place.Then I came to Eurovision 2009,and singed whit Arash song Always.Over that night I winn 3 place | | |
Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |