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| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Radvile Akuckaite | Niks: | Radvile | Valsts: | Lietuva |
Pilsēta: | Kuršėnai |
Par sevi: | Your sign's element is fire. You have a lot of nervous energy and are very optimistic. Sagittarius will overlook details so that the overall pictures can be considered. Sagittarius is warm and friendly. You like to talk a great deal making it difficult for others to get a word in edgewise. Sagittarius loves to travel. You are adaptable, tolerant, philosophical, knowledgeable, honest and outspoken. Sagittarius is constructive, clear-sighted, generous, cheerful, loyal and independent.
Sagittarius perceives love as something very natural so it is very easy to seduce a Sagittarius who will fall in love quickly. However, keeping a Sagittarius in love is so much more difficult.
When Sagittarius sees someone as the perfect partner, he/she will immediately start the pursuit, but if he/she later finds weaknesses in this person, then Sagittarius will most likely move on.
If Sagittarius is in love, her/his partner should not expect Sagittarius to express this love in many words.
Sagittarius will fall in love quickly but hates it when he/she told what to do. On the other hand, nice leading and nice words will achieve a lot more. | | |
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