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| Niks: | Samantha Speno-Orton | Valsts: | ASV |
Par sevi: | Hi, my name is Samantha but everyone that is close to me calls me Sam or Sammy so you can do the same thing. I teach gymnastics part time and the rest of the time I am home caring for the house and spending time with my Mom and my best friend Michelle. On September 21st, 2007 I got married to my wonderful husband randall keith orton on Saturday July 12th at 9:24 pm. Alanna Marie Orton was born She was 8lbs 10 ozs, and 22.5 inches long. She is absolutely flawless from head to toe, and a very content baby. Randy and I brought her home and it has been wonderful acclimating her to our home and we couldn't be happier together.Life is just amazing.I do have to say that this is my only Friendsclub. I have noticed a few others out there but this is my only Friendsclub that I have. Any other Friendsclubes that you have came across are posers. Why anyone would want to pose as me is beyond me but I guess I'm just not meant to understand people. | | |
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