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| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Simona Milinyte | Niks: | Simona Milinyte (Simonna) | Valsts: | Lietuva |
Pilsēta: | Kaunas |
Par sevi: | Simona Milinyte, better known as "Simonna", was born in Lithuania. She began performing as a vocalist at the age of 3. At the age of 10, Simonna began her solo career. At age of 12, she released her first album, entitled "12". Her songs are popular on Lithuanian radio stations throughout the country. Recently, she was cast as an actress in the most famous of Lithuanian TV shows. Simonna has amassed quite a bit of concert performance and experience at the tender age of 16. Simonna writes the lyrics for her songs. She remains interested not only in music, but also in expressive dance movements and is learning to play the guitar. She also remains interested in and is capable of powerfully performing in a variety of musical styles. In the future, she plans to combine singing, dancing and a live instrumentals in her performances. Simonna values her free time by reading books, going to the cinema with her friends and spending time with her family. In 2010 Simonna successfully completed NYFA's Musical Film Workshop. In 2011 Simonna she was invited to attend TwitChange as a celebrity chosen to champion the organization. Simonna remains committed to many charities.
July, 2011 Simonna has acted in famous Lithuanian TV series ‚,Giminės. Po 20 metų‘‘ as a guest star.
In September 2011, Simonna was contacted by Swedish producer William Butt, who has seen her singing on a You tube video clip. By November Simonna had a new song to submit as an entry to the Lithuanian Eurovision Song Contest 2012.
The Song “One of a Kind” was composed and written by two of Sweden’s most established songwriters, Bobby Ljunggren and Marcos Ubeda who together with William Butt write the song “In Your Eyes” for Amberlife (2004) and “Little by Little” for Laura and the Lovers (2005) Both of those songs were big hits in Lithuania. Bobby Ljunggrebn has won the Swedish Eurovision Contest 5 times and Marcis Ubeda has won it once.
Simonna has turned 16 on 12th December and is therefore qualified to enter | | |
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