Vai vēl neesat izmantojis Friendsclub.lv? Tas ir ērts un lietojams bez maksas.
| Šis cilvēks nav tavu draugu pulkā.
| Vārds, Uzvārds: | Danielle. ;p | Niks: | Your Sunhine`elle. <3 | Valsts: | ASV |
Darbība: | My boyfriend [Pierce] is grounded for a whole month. that means i can't see him until september 10th.. ;/// |
Par sevi: | So I'm Danielle.
I'm a hopeless romantic;
and currently in a relationship.
with my very bestest boyfriend
in the whole wide world.
no one else matters more to me.
but things have been very difficult;
my parents don't let us see eachother.
and his ex-girlfriend is trying to
make me jealous all the time,
and get me in trouble with my strict parents.
he's helped me through everything,
i just wish i could help him back.
he always talks to me about how
we need to go to the same college
and all these things that are just so...
we are known to talk on the phone
for hours a day.
the longest time being seven hours
all in one day;
it was intense,
but i love it.
i love him to death,
and we can always talk about
just anything & everything.
music is the other main part
of my world though;
i wouldn't make it through a moment,
without knowing it was there.
p!nk is literally my idol
and i listen to everything
that's on the charts now,
[for the most part]
but i like to listen to 90s music,
and bands no one's ever heard of.
that '70s show just so happens to be
but i also love watching
my life as liz.
and my favorite movie
[since the first day it came out]
has been (500) days of summer.
because the first time
that i viewed this movie i cried.
and i never cry.
like ever.
and i still get all,
weird & emotional.
but i love that movie because it's real life.
like that actually happened.
and it's very heartbreaking to me.
so that's why i love it.
i love big dogs like
collies & golden retrievers
but we only have cats in my house.
so that's really very truly irritating.
i love to write & sing & act
and i have been my whole life.
my favorite color is purple,
just because i like it
and plus most girls always say pink,
and it's good to be different.
well add me so we can chat it up. :))* | | |
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Nav atrasts neviens draugs! |